Adapt or Die Name a company anywhere in the world – just one! – that won’t be disrupted by Amazon or Google.  These two companies, along with their fellow votaries of Big Data and machine learning, are today entering every industry, to the competitive peril of businesses large and small.  The healthcare and financial industries…

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The World Health Organization reports that 45% of member states have less than one physician per 1,000 population. With the Kaiser Family Foundation reporting 27 million Americans lacking health coverage in 2017, access to healthcare is not just an issue in the developing world. These numbers help highlight healthcare’s two idealized goals: That healthcare be accessible to…

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By Shomit Ghose | June 5, 2019 Iron Man vs Terminator Revisited In the landscape of artificial intelligence, we still find ourselves balanced precariously between the twin outcomes of Iron Man and Terminator.  In the former, we adopt technologies to empower our human selves — as with the Marvel comic book character — to overcome our foremost challenges. …

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This semester students had an opportunity to apply the latest data science tools and algorithms to real-life industry problems in our course Applied Data Science with Venture Applications, also known as Data-X (INDENG 135 / 290).  For the first time, students were able to showcase their projects in a poster session event on December 4th at…

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Wayne Crosby, co-founder and head of product & engineering at Humu, visited the Sutardja Center’s Silicon Valley Innovation Leadership Week executive program to talk about the next industry being revolutionized by artificial intelligence and machine learning: human resources. In Crosby’s view, the HR industry (which he estimates to be about a $400 billion market worldwide)…

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“But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don’t know we don’t know.” – United States Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, February 12, 2002 An artificial intelligence strategy is the corporate equivalent of your spleen: everyone has one, but not everyone understands quite what it will accomplish.  There are bold plans afoot everywhere in…

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(This article has also been translated to Russian here.) Artificial intelligence is giving companies unprecedented insights into our personal information. Can individuals protect their privacy by using applications that add fake data to our online behavior? Recently, the credit-reporting agency EquiFax leaked the social security numbers for almost half of all Americans, causing much anxiety…

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This semester, The Sutardja Center created a new course, Data-X, which allowed students to team up to tackle technically complex problems. In the course, students identified real-world problems, collected data, and created applications to find solutions. Click on the picture below to check out this year’s Data-X course!   Data-X was taught by Ikhlaq Sidhu…

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