Posts Tagged ‘behavioral economics’
Humu is using machine learning to create a happier workplace
Wayne Crosby, co-founder and head of product & engineering at Humu, visited the Sutardja Center’s Silicon Valley Innovation Leadership Week executive program to talk about the next industry being revolutionized by artificial intelligence and machine learning: human resources. In Crosby’s view, the HR industry (which he estimates to be about a $400 billion market worldwide)…
Read MoreInjecting noise: students build tools to protect individual privacy from artificial intelligence
(This article has also been translated to Russian here.) Artificial intelligence is giving companies unprecedented insights into our personal information. Can individuals protect their privacy by using applications that add fake data to our online behavior? Recently, the credit-reporting agency EquiFax leaked the social security numbers for almost half of all Americans, causing much anxiety…
Read MoreBeyond the Molecule and Beyond the Device: Machine Learning and the Future of Healthcare
“The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads. That sucks.” – Jeffrey Hammerbacher, Facebook Hammerbacher’s Lament Are we fated to suffer Hammerbacher’s Lament, with our best minds, and our best data, solely serving the gods of commerce? What of serving mankind’s existential needs in an area as fundamental…
Read MoreEngineered Influence: Weak Data, Machine Learning & Behavioral Economics
This article is will be published in the 2017 Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology’s annual journal AIR (Applied Innovation Review) in June 2017. You can see the 2016 version here. Shomit Ghose is a UC Berkeley alum and mentor, venture capitalist, and partner at ONSET ventures. Cognitive Irredentists Arise! A dystopian world: sentient machines…
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